5: A Memorable Teacher

Sharon Cifuentes on Oct 10th 2011

Growing up, I went to several schools. My parents divorced and remarried and I went from town to town, making new friends and losing old ones. It wasn’t until I finally moved to Valley Stream when I felt at home. Although I didn’t know anyone, I was excited to finally have a place to call home; a place to say was mine. My school ranged from seventh to twelfth grade in one building. It could be overwhelming for an incoming seventh grader to be exposed to so many ages at once. However, the building was small, and within weeks, you knew everyone in your grade, if not the school.

Throughout elementary school I never had a favorite subject, not until my seventh grade social studies class with Mr. Moniaci. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was both our first year at the school. He was full of energy and was passionate about this field; his passion invigorated his students. It is this type of passion that fuels students to learn. His drive and love for history influenced me to work harder, study hardier, and push myself to become what I always wanted to be, a teacher.

Mr. Moniaci, although stern and quirky in his own way always had control of his classroom and the respect of his students. His presence and knowledge superseded anything else. His opinion provided us with insight beyond our years and his relationships with students were based on trust and admiration. I took two more classes with “Mr. Mo” throughout my years at Valley Stream North, and although I have since long gone, his compassion and determination are characteristics I hope to convey to my own students.

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